Julisa Cully
Julisa is a gifted intuitive dedicated to guiding you on your spiritual journey. She has studied under Kourtney Levens and is a certified Spiritual Advisor and Angel Communicator. She works directly with your angels and spirit guides to help you harness your divine gifts and move forward in fulfilling your soul’s purpose.
Julisa uses her clair senses to receive messages and guidance about your future, your health, and any other subject where direction is needed. Combining her connection to the angels along with her Reiki training, she will work with your angels to clear blocks and limiting beliefs to help you step into your authentic power and experience life in a newer, more positive light.
Julisa works mostly on Zoom and telephone allowing distance to be no barrier.

Julisa helped me find a starting point when I was in a very confusing time in my life. I had no idea what direction to turn and she gave me guidance that helped me find footing throughout this season of my life. I’m so thankful I got to have a reading with her!

The information that came through the reading was very helpful and made so much sense to me.

Julisa's angel reading, which encompassed health, location, and soulmate insights, was an incredibly enlightening experience. Her intuitive guidance provided me with a profound sense of calmness. I appreciated the explanations she gave regarding the Archangels and support they give in relation to me. She provided clear details on timelines and personality traits.

Julisa was able to immediately describe aspects of the house where I live and identify the angels supporting me right now. She was able to answer a specific question about my current job and life purpose as well as read the energy of what was going on around me right. She was professional, warm, and caring. The advice that came through broadened my perspective.

The information you gave me has allowed me to get more distance from my emotional engagement with him and I feel much more compassionate about him as an evolving being and less personal angst in terms of a fated relationship. That is a great relief!