"What Would You Like To Ask Your Angels?"

"What Would You Like To Ask Your Angels?"

A Message From Kourtney To You

A Message From Kourtney To You


Laura Warner

Certified Angel Reader & Medium

Laura is blessed with the gifts of clairvoyance and clairaudience. She uses her abilities to receive messages from the Angels, ascended masters, and your loved ones from Heaven. With your best intention in mind, Laura can help you receive the divine guidance necessary to follow a clear path and confidently achieve your goals.... READ MORE

Julisa Cully

Spiritual Advisor

Julisa is a gifted intuitive dedicated to guiding you on your spiritual journey. She has been certified by Kourtney as a Spiritual Advisor and Angel Communicator. She works directly with your angels and spirit guides to help you harness your divine gifts and move forward in fulfilling your soul’s purpose..... READ MORE

Ildiko Hall

Certified Angel Reader

If you are seeking peace of mind, clarity, and assurance about your future, join Ildiko in an exploration of your inner energetic powers. Her readings mobilize your energy and personal guidance, which then allow you to break through the borders of limitations and reach your maximum potential... READ MORE

Laura Warner

Certified Angel Reader & Medium

Laura is blessed with the gifts of clairvoyance and clairaudience. She uses her abilities to receive messages from the Angels, ascended masters, and our loved ones from Heaven. With your best intention in mind, Laura can help you receive the divine guidance necessary to follow a clear path and confidently achieve your goals... READ MORE

Julisa Cully

Spiritual Advisor

Julisa is a gifted intuitive and talks directly to your angels and spirit guides. She has studied under Kourtney Levens and uses her clair senses to receive messages and guidance about your future, your health, and any other subject where direction is needed... READ MORE

Ildiko Benyak

Certified Angel Reader

If you are seeking peace of mind, clarity, and assurance about your future, join Ildiko in an exploration of your inner energetic powers. Her readings mobilize your energy and personal guidance, which then allow you to break through the borders of limitations and reach your maximum potential... READ MORE 


What Some of Our Clients Are Saying...

"I discovered Kourtney during one of the most difficult times in my life. If you want to know how to move forward and be LOVED by a pure and caring soul… connect with my personal reader!"

Darius Barazandeh,
Founder & Host, You Wealth Revolution

"I really enjoyed my session. It answered a lot of my questions. Also gave me more than I expected. Kourtney made me feel very comfortable with the way she works with you. She is truly an angel."

Renee G.

"Thank you from the deepest part of my being for sharing your gift with me and for helping me on my path of allowing & understanding my gifts and how they can be of service to me and others in this lifetime. I look forward to connecting with my angels... on a more consistent basis... thank you for giving me a few of their names. I think it will make it easier for me to call on them now!"

Heather D.

"I want to thank you for the beautiful insights and share with you an exciting prediction of yours that came through. In our reading you said that I would become pregnant at the end of the summer... and it would be a bit of a surprise. Yes, it happened at the end of July and it was a surprise! We are expecting our first baby in April and I am so excited. Thank you for sharing your gifts. All the love!"

Sarah W.

"I recently had a session with Kourtney and found her to be very accurate in her angel messages. Kourtney was very easy to speak to and very helpful. I would definitely contact her again to connect with the angels."  

Elizabeth P.

I absolutely love the half-hour sessions in the past that I have had with Kourtney. Now she offers a 15 minute one.  It was great, short, concise, and so intuitively spot on. A great option for quick amazing guidance.  Thank You so very much! Please continue these, I loved it! 

Jeanette W.

"To know I have angelic support around me at all times is very reassuring and to get messages from my parents was a blessing... I was so happy to get that acknowledgment. I'm glad I found you via the Beyond the Ordinary show and hope to remain connected to you and your community."

Anne B.

Angel Readings With Kourtney Levens

Your Angels lovingly wait to assist you!

They eagerly provide guidance in all areas of your life for your highest potential and best interest.

 They don't judge or criticize; they only want you to be happy. God sees you and your life as perfect, but when you don't, he sends the Angels, "Messengers of God", to comfort and guide with loving messages! 

We offer a safe haven for people who want to receive communication from the angelic realm.

We deliver messages from your loved ones and Angels to the very best of our ability in a respectful manner without judgment or criticism.

Everyone is welcome, we work with people of all ages, races, religious beliefs, and backgrounds.

If you're curious about whether or not to take the new job, move into this neighborhood or go ahead and plan the surgery, here is your perfect platform. 

Or if you're wondering how to mend a relationship or best help your children, or pets, this is a great opportunity to receive divine guidance!

If you're stuck at a crossroads in life or just need to know you're on the right path, your Angels are here to help.

At times, if you wish, the Angels may bring forth deceased friends or relatives.

Communication with departed loved ones may bring comfort and closure to those in the grieving process.

We understand the pain and handle those situations with the utmost gentleness, compassion, and kindness.

If you or someone you know might benefit from talking to their Angels and guides or need closure from the death of a loved one, please contact us.

Thank you for your time and for the opportunity to be of service to you and your loved ones! 

We hope to hear from you soon! 

Angel Blessings,

Kourtney's remarkably prescient sessions uplift client's mind and spirits around the world.

$1250 30-Minute Angel Reading 

$2500 60-Minute Angel Reading